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Update. Not dead yet! Professional updates and where I'm going from here.

It's been a long time since my last post and many things have changed.

If you've been wondering, I'm still here, but I'm hunkering down under Q4 madness.

Everyone wants pentests done before the end of the year, and I need to meet my performance goals.

The big news is I moved on with my career, leaving Polito.

I'll be forever grateful to Fred Mastrippolito for giving me a chance, but it was time for me to switch.

I've been working with Optiv as an Attack & Pen Consultant since July, 2022, landing a senior role.

It not only came with a much needed financial compensation update, but also with a lot of challenges. I'm now responsible for a whole project, from start to finish. I now have to deal with a lot of client-facing tasks I didn't have to worry about before, from taking care of kick off calls to daily start/stop notifications or communications about critical findings. I'm also in charge for solving miscommunications, misconfigurations or hold ups with testing.

I'm much happier but I work way longer hours than before. 

Nonetheless I feel less stressed out. Having clear rules and procedures set up helps me in the end, though I don't like rules.

Of course, there's pros and cons coming along with it. I won't deny sometimes I find this bureaucracy quite meaningless, but I also understand there's a reason for it.

I hope I can keep moving up, so far I'm slowly progressing but I need to step up my game.

We'll see what 2023 will bring.

The Savvy Geek here.

Over and out.


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