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Customize your Quora Feed with a click

Last Updated: 1/3/2016

In the latest months I've spent more time on Quora than on other social media.

I find it a more valuable tool than major media like LinkedIn, or Twitter, because it's much easier to find content relevant to my industry and ideas for posts.

Other social media have been recently filled too much with content marketing, elevator pitches or downright spam.

The only downside to Quora is the topics of your feed are based on your profile and your experience. If the keywords in your profile are too broad (e.g. technology), your feed gets filled with irrelevant fluff. Luckily, Quora offers an easy way to filter out the topics you don't want in your feed.
Each topic has a main page on Quora. By searching for the specific topics you don't want shown and going to their main pages, you can block them by selecting Mute topic (see figure below).

This way they won't be shown in your feed any longer.

I repeated the above operation for a bunch a common (IMHO) time-wasting topics (Confederate flag, time travel, Henry Potter stuff, etc.) and that's what my feed looks like right now:

A feast for my eyes!

I hope LinkedIn implements something like this, too, but I'm not very optimistic about it.


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