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Windows 8.1 - Power down, Restart, Logout and Search Files from the task bar (Use the task bar like a pro to skip the Metro interface)

One of the features of Windows 8.1 I find most annoying is the duality Start Screen/Desktop Mode.

Every time you have to shutdown or restart your computer, log out or search for files, you need to go from Desktop Mode to Start Screen and move to the Metro interface.

I find it time-consuming and counterproductive, so I came up with a way of performing these actions from the task bar without moving from Desktop Mode, by using the shortcut functionality.


  1. How to create a shutdown shortcut: Right-click to a blank point on the desktop and choose New/Shortcut. In the next window, in the field location of the item, enter the following command: Shutdown -s -t 00 (see image) and click Next. In the next screen, call the shortcut Shutdown and click Next. Then, click Finish. After creating the shortcut, you can change its icon and drag it to the task bar.  
  2. How to create a restart shortcut: Follow the same steps as above, but this time use the following command: Shutdown -r -t 00. Call the new shortcut Restart and drag it to the task bar.
  3. How to create a Log Out Shortcut: Follow the same steps as above, but use this command: Shutdown.exe -L.
  4. How to create a shortcut to Search on the task bar: Follow the same steps as above, but this time use the following command: C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{2559a1f8-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}
  5. How to lock your computer with a clickFollow the same steps as above and enter the following command as a shortcut destination: rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation.

The figure below shows the final result of this operation. The task bar now holds four new shortcuts, which allow to shutdown and restart the computer, to log out and to search for any file on your hard drive. Check the video tutorial for a clearer understanding of the above steps.


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