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Freaky fast OSX shortcuts to be more productive with your Mac

I decided to wrap up and revamp in this post some keyboard shortcuts that can dramatically boost your productivity with OS X.

  1. Press SPACEBAR to have a quick look at a selected file: by pressing SPACEBAR, you can quickly view the content of any selected file without opening it.
  2. Press CMD and SPACEBAR to search with Spotlight: I use this shortcut all the time and it's a very fast way to find files on your Mac. Spotlight, if correctly used, is much quicker than going through the Finder and the folder structure. Spotlight has been further improved in Yosemite and now includes results from the Web, as well as locally stored files.
  3. Press CMD and BACKSPACE (or DELETE, in some keyboards) to move a file to Trash: It's a faster solution than manually moving a file by dragging it or right-clicking it and choosing Move to Trash.
  4. Press CMD/ALT/SHIFT/BACKSPACE to immediately empty the Trash: This shortcut deletes all files moved to the Trash right away, without displaying any pop-up confirmation warning.
  5. Freaky fast logout with ALT/SHIFT/CMD/Q : Need to log out real quick? No biggie, the key combination ALT/SHIFT/CMD/Q deals with that for you by logging you out right away, without the inconvenience to click Yes.


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