Problems with your Internet connection? Do it yourself!
I've been experiencing problems with my Internet connection for days, so I decided to call my ISP (one of the biggest companies in the U.S.).
One hour on the phone and it turns out my line had no problems and I had to get a new modem or sign up for a new service bundle.
Afterwards, I try to connect to the Internet and I get redirected to a webpage asking me to test my Internet connection.
I've told you my Internet connection drops every now and then and you want me to solve this problem online, are you kidding me or what?
No way to get this to work.
We try to reset the modem but nothing happens, it won't do anything.
We run all upset to Target to buy a new modem but we decide to hold off on it; the help desk told us that, if we bought a third-party modem, they wouldn't have supported us (but they want their bills paid).
The cheapest modem was $199.
So we head back home, me and my wife go through the whole thing again and…you know what? It's worked, we could reset the modem and I got my Internet back.
Bottom line: if you ever experience problems with your Internet connection, never call this company's help desk.
They don't have a clue what they're doing, they're not trained enough and treat people like numbers.
I'm an IT guy, and the suggestions they give you on the phone make absolutely no sense and don't help at all.
So my recommendation to this company is: train people like you're supposed to and understand if I call you is because I have a problem; what if I were an entrepreneur and I needed the Internet for my business, should I sue you?
You probably don't attach your customer service the necessary importance, but what if your customers started to switch to other providers in bulk?
Then, nowadays a PC without Internet connection is no use, what am I supposed to do with it?
Thank God I could solve this problem and I feel I'm a lucky guy tonight.
I got the smartest wife a man could wish for.
Thanks, kitten.
If you experience a problem like mine, don't call the help desk unless it's absolutely necessary.
I went from a crappy Internet connection to no Internet connection and, had I listened to their suggestion, I'd have wasted hundreds of dollars without being even sure to solve the problem (and God knows I'm not exactly Rockefeller).
I still haven’t totally solved it, by the way, but the solution isn’t for sure to shut off my Internet in the mean time, as they were doing.
I still haven’t totally solved it, by the way, but the solution isn’t for sure to shut off my Internet in the mean time, as they were doing.
Hundreds or maybe thousands of people experienced the same problems and this is outrageous.
Things like these shouldn't happen in the United States and somebody should start addressing this stuff.
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