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Why Blogging?

I've been blogging for a while and I recently started wondering what keeps me going.

The reasons why you blog can be numerous:
  • Money:  It would be nice but it's not my case. I can't make any money out of that and didn't think I would when I started out. I wouldn't be against it but so far it simply didn't happen nor I committed really hard for it to happen. Too much stuff going on.
  • Fame: Really? I couldn't care less nor I think someone knows me anyhow.
  • Sales promotion: Every blog post has usually its elevator pitch. I don't sell whopping recipes to increase your sales, or to find a new job in two weeks, or the perfect dress for your night out. I don't have a conversion rate, or a marketing campaign, I won't turn you into a millionaire through social media. I only try to share what I know.
  • Self-promotion: Having an online presence helps recruiter find me. Nice but this is only one side of the coin.
  • Wish to help: I REALLY love help people troubleshoot computer problems. When someone writes me or tells me "thanks, you helped me solve my problem" I feel rewarded because I've given my contribution to this world.

  • Love for writing: I love writing about I.T. and I think I can do it good. I read a lot (websites, blogs, books) and I believe there's a lot of junk and copy/pasted material around and there's always room to make it better. Cocky? Maybe, but better cocky my way than publishing fake copy/pasted politically correct crap.
  • Computer addiction: I spend most of the time on the computer and I use it for almost everything. I'm a computer junkie and that's how I could learn all I know. I only write about what I tested personally over the years. 


I don't know why I blog, I think there can be several reasons but "I still haven't found what I'm looking for".


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